miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

Chapter 1 Summary: It's always us

This history occurs in Toronto Canada, in a campus that is in front of the Miss Scrimmage’s School for young ladies; we can find MacDonald Hall, were generations of young men studies. The main characters of the history are two particular students who enjoy making jokes to everybody; they are Bruno Walton and Boots O’Neal, they are best friends and they get many problems due to their pranks, also they make fun of the headmaster Mr. Sturgeon who has the nickname of “the Fish”, because he never smiles and he doesn’t have a good sense of humor about Bruno and Boots’ humoristic jokes.

As one of their pranks they changed the scholar Canadian flag by switching it for the Malbonian flag, Mr. Sturgeon was very upset when got out of his car and stared at the flag of Malbonia instead of the flag of Canada.

Bruno and Boots are in the hockey school team and Boost was the captain of the team; in the college they were in the annual hockey game between the Macdonald Hall and the York Academy Cougars, and as always Bruno and Boots were planning something interesting; they decided to steal the Cougars’ mascot, the mascot was a very fat cat. They took the cat to the dressing room before the game starts and the cat seems to be sick or something like that, also boots got scratched by the angry cat, although they thought that the couch Flynn wouldn’t notice the scratch, he discover that they had stolen the cat and he got angry with them, the other team also notice that they were behind of all, and one of the players of the Cougars stared at Boots face, then suddenly dropped his stick and gloves and throw him to the ice and all the game they were struggling with the other team.

The final result was 4 – 1 with the victory of the Macs and at the end of the game Bruno and Boots showered and dressed hurriedly to return the cat to the Cougars, but when they went to see the cat they discovered the reason of why the cat was very fat and sick, because the cat was pregnant and she had her kittens, Bruno and Boots were very surprised for that and they put the cats inside of a laundry bag and get into the Cougars scholar bus to return the cats, but they didn’t notice that Mr. Sturgeon was hiding in the bus, when he saw Boots he almost discover about the kidnap, but suddenly Bruno came and said that the cat only was hidden to have her kittens, because of that they skip the problem from now or maybe not.

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