lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

Chapter 5 Summary: You keep ants?

This chapter is about Bruno and Boots’ plan to get back together as roommates and in order to the head master Mr. Sturgeon (The Fish) let them be friends again, the plan consist by making angry to their new roommates Elmer Drimsdale and George Wexford-Smyth III.

In the morning once again Elmer's alarm went off with an ear-splitting shrill at 6 a.m. and he rose promptly and began to dress, vaguely aware that something was not quite right. He puzzled over the odd feeling, but continued to get dressed but he realized that something wasn’t right and he suddenly started to screaming and crying for his ants saying that his ants are gone, Elmer stared at Bruno's bed and It was empty. It did not take him long to realize that Bruno's absence and the ants' disappearance were somehow related. He threw the door open and bolted into the hall trying to find Bruno in order to take back his ants.

About three doors away, Bruno was hurrying along with the large glass aquarium that contained Elmer's ant colony, to make Elmer angry the Bruno’s plan was about steeling the all Elmer’s ant colony and Bruno was saying that the ants doesn’t deserve to be imprisoned inside of that aquarium so he decided to let them be free. Elmer was very upset with Bruno because Bruno let escape to all the ant colony and all the ants were spread for all the hall, they tried to capture as many ants as they could but they couldn’t trap to all, in fact Elmer lost almost all the colony, of course Elmer seeing what happened to his ants, he went to the headmaster’s office in order to blame Bruno for all the disaster, Bruno was very happy about that because the plan of making Elmer angry was successful, Bruno was punished by Mr. Sturgeon by making him collect again all the ants that were lost.

At 7:30 that same morning Boots was writing to his mother. George was still asleep and Boots watched George intently for a few seconds to be sure he was sound asleep. Then he approached the only shelf in the room that was not filled with medicines and carefully he took down the book marked mint stamps - Canada and opened it up. Inside of the book was a set of queen Victoria stamps of 1886 so he took the stamps and left seventeen cents for the stamps although the true value of the stamps actually was more high then Boots left the book open on George's desk in order to make George angry for losing his stamps then Boots stuck the stamps on the envelope and mailed the letter on his way to breakfast.

George was screaming and making too much noise for losing his very expensive stamps and he stared at Boots and he asked to him about his stamps and Boots said that he used the stamps to send a card to his parents and he paid for the stamps, but Boots only just left seventeen cents and the true price of the stamps was three hundred and fifty dollars and because of that George was very upset so he went to the headmaster’s office to accuse to Boots for ruining his very expensive stamps.Boots was also punished like Bruno but the Boot’s punishment consisted in working after school for three whole months to collect the money for paying the George’s stamps.

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