miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

Chapter 14 Summary: No end to miracles!

This is the chapter 14 and it’s the last chapter of this book; it begins with Elmer receiving a message from the office messenger and the office messenger said that it was a message to Bruno from Mr. Sturgeon to get him to his office and the same was for Boots, they thought that they were in trouble for all the chaos of yesterday because they had to go to Mr. Sturgeon’s office and also they found out that in all the place there were a lot of cops. Then soon after in the hallway Bruno and Boots, they were talking about the reasons of why they were called for Mr. Sturgeon, then they started to think about all the things that they had done, like the time when Cathy dumped water on Mr. Sturgeon's head, when Francisco asked if Mr. Sturgeon was The Fish, when Miss Scrimmage shot at the balloon and the way it conked Elmer Drimsdale and When the Looney from the UFO Society called The Fish an old geezer. Because of all the events that had occurred in MacDonald Hall, Bruno and Boots thought that they were going to be blamed for all of the chaos and be killed by Mr. Sturgeon’s rage, and then they arrived to Mr. Sturgeon’s office and Bruno and Boots walked into the office like two prisoners about to face a firing squad; inside of the office Mr. Sturgeon, Francisco Diaz and his father were waiting for them. Mr. Sturgeon introduced the boys to Francisco’s father, the ambassador, and then he walked over to Bruno and Boots, he bowed slightly, then shook hands with both of them and he thank to the boys for rescuing and saving the life of his son, then he said that in his country they give medals for such heroic actions, of course the boys were very grateful for the ambassador’s gratitude and Mr. Sturgeon wanted to organize a outdoor assembly for the afternoon in order to decorate to Bruno and Boots for their unselfish courage. After Bruno heard all the things that they wanted to do for them, he didn’t forget to mention to Elmer Drimsdale, because he saw the basket over the tree with his telescope although he thought that it was a UFO, actually Bruno demanded that Elmer would granted with a medal too with them in the outdoor ceremony, the Headmaster understood and he was agree with giving credit to Elmer for saving Francisco. Then Mr. Sturgeon, Bruno and Boots discovered that Francisco was the son of the ambassador of Malbonia because Mr. Sturgeon was thought that they were from Portugal but the ambassador corrected him saying that he was the Malbonian ambassador; by a coincidence Mr. sturgeon had the Malbonian flag that he took from the flagpole form one of the Bruno and Boots’ pranks to use it in the outdoor ceremony and also they discovered in a newspaper article that the volleyball net that Bruno and Boots used to get down Francisco form the tree it was found snagging three bank robbers that had stolen almost $500,000 dollars from the bank; the police are still baffled about the origin of the net which, according to the report, dropped suddenly from the sky, entangling the fugitives and the net was bore with a tag reading Macdonald Hall and because of that the police went to MacDonald Hall to thank Bruno and Boots for their help for catching to the robbers.

Under the bright Ontario sunshine and the briskly fluttering flag of Malbonia, Bruno Walton, Boots O'Neal and Elmer Drimsdale were solemnly decorated with that country's medal of civic heroism. The entire faculty and student body of Macdonald Hall were present, as well as the girls from Miss Scrimmage's Finishing School for Young Ladies, who cheered lustily. Standing on the platform were representatives of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Ontario Provincial Police and the Macdonald Hall Board of Directors. In addition to the Malbonian medal, each boy received the RCMP Bravery Medal and the OPP Youth Award.

At the end of the outdoor ceremony Mr. Snow, chairman of the Board of Directors, turned to Bruno and Boots and Elmer to thank them and then he in order to congratulated them and reward them Mr. Snow gave to Elmer a new telescope and finally Bruno and Boots were put back together as roommates again.

martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

Chapter 13 Summary: Scrimmage's to the rescue

The chapter 13 begins with Elmer very scared because he thought that an UFO had landed at MacDonald Hall but actually was a basket with a balloon that belonged to the son of an ambassador and his name was Francisco Diaz, and then he ran through the campus screaming and jelling; Elmer was making a lot of noise and because of that he make that all the students woke up from their beds. Mr. Sturgeon was very worried about Elmer and he didn’t wanted Elmer to start a chaos, so that he asked for help to Bruno and Boots, he told to the boys that they had to chase Elmer and control him in order to prevent a chaos, and then they went off from Mr. Sturgeon’s house to find Elmer and prevent the chaos, but in that moment Elmer had woke up to all the students and made a chaos. Boots got very nervous because he had never tried to stop a riot like that and he told to Bruno that he didn’t know how to stop the chaos, so Bruno thought that maybe the better action would be create more chaos, so Bruno shouted in a voice that carried from one end of the campus to the other and he was screaming things like “Who is going to defend Macdonald Hall?” and “who will protect to the innocent girls across the road at Miss Scrimmages finishing school for ladies?” and then At that moment Miss Scrimmage's P.A. system crackled and was the Cathy’s voice saying: Calling all girls! Calling all girls! This is Planetary Defense! You are needed in Earth's darkest hour! Macdonald Hall is being invaded by the aliens! And after that Miss Scrimmage went out from her bathroom to her balcony waving as always her shotgun, at almost the same moment Mr. Sturgeon, his red bathrobe flapping in the breeze, rushed onto the mad scene and he screamed saying “Don’t”, and then Miss Scrimmage shot her weapon at the basket with the balloon causing that the basket fell over Elmer’s head and making him get unconscious, so Mr. Sturgeon ran over and heaved the basket and he saw that Elmer was laying unconscious near the tree and Bruno and Boots were the next to arrive at Elmer's side and then Bruno drop his knees trying to wake up Elmer, Suddenly Cathy came tearing across the road with a brimming fire bucket and trying to help Elmer she misjudged her aim and the entire bucketful of water sloshed over Mr. Sturgeon's head and after that Elmer woke up, his eyelids fluttered and he sat up.

All of a sudden a red mini-bus came tearing up the highway from the direction of the city and its sides were blazoned with the words UFO Society and they wanted to do an investigation about the aliens and actually Elmer had called them scientific reasons, and then the UFO man from the UFO society was asking for the aliens and he wanted to know the location of the spacecraft, but then Mr. Sturgeon got very upset about all the riot and because of the UFO man that was making a lot of noise and was calling him old geezer, so that Mr. Sturgeon put the order in all he chaos by making all students to return to their rooms, and after that he showed to the UFO man that there wasn’t any spacecraft and any alien at MacDonald Hall, so the UFO society scurried to his truck, shut off the loudspeaker and drove away.

After all the chaos, Mr. Sturgeon got back to his house and he was explaining to his wife all the events, and then Mrs. Sturgeon was saying that Bruno and Boots were good boys for helping out but Mr. Sturgeon wasn’t agree with that statement.

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2008

Chapter 12 Summary: Help!

The chapter 12 it’s about Bruno and Boots talking with Elmer and George about their grades; Bruno got 86% but Elmer got 97% while Boots got 89% and George got 88.5% and then Bruno and Boots waited until the midnight for their meeting at the old canon. When they arrived at the canon, the boys started to talk bout plans so that they could get back together again, Bruno said that maybe it would be a great idea if they talk with their parents and they said that they have to be together because of medical reasons by saying that they had a mental disease, but Boots replied that idea by saying that if they call to their parents to talk with the headmaster, Mr. Sturgeon would tell them that Bruno and Boots had made a lot of pranks in the school and they would be in trouble with their parents, then Bruno had another idea, he said that maybe if they go in a hunger strike, Mr. Sturgeon could feel pity on them and they can be rejoined again, but Boots said that that plan never would success because he said that Bruno wouldn’t last even one hour. Then when the moon was clear with any cloud on it, they saw a strange object like a rectangle crashing over a tree and after that rapidly they went to the scene of the event, although Boots didn’t wanted to go to the direction of the of the object, Bruno convinced him to go with him in order to see what happened. Bruno and Boots arrived to the scene and then they realized that the strange rectangular object actually was a basket attached balloon, and then they heard a voice that came from inside of the basket, Bruno and Boots immediately help to the person that was in trouble. Boots climbed the tree and he was holding a branch in order to grab the basket, and Bruno was squeezing through the window of the locked gym. He hurried to the equipment room and grabbed a Volleyball net, then started back to the tree, when he arrived to the tree he was calling for Boots, then Boots responded and Bruno clambered up with the net and soon joined Boots on the dangerously creaking branch, he threw the Volleyball net to the basket so the boy could use it as a ripe in order to come down from the tree, after a couple of tries the boy caught it and tied it to the cable and then he could come down from the tree.

Bruno and Boots could save to that person and they asked for his name and the boy said that his name was Francisco that actually was the son of an ambassador from an unspecified country that was living in Ottawa. The boys had to ask for help to Mr. Sturgeon and when they arrived to his house, he opened the door and he got upset because of the hour he thought that Bruno and Boots had made pranks, but they explained to him that it wasn’t that the reason for they to knocking at his door, then they introduced to him to Francisco and he said that Bruno and Boots had saved him and they were a heroes, then Mr. Sturgeon called to Francisco’s father, then Francisco talked with his father and asked to Mr. Sturgeon to spend the night in McDonald Hall, of course Mr. Sturgeon accepted the request. After some minutes, they heard a slam at the door and Mr. Sturgeon opened and he again was thinking that it was another prank from Bruno and Boots but only was Elmer, although he was very nervous and he was very scared because he saw everything with his telescope and he thought that it was an UFO that landed on the earth and he was thinking that it was a some kind of alien invasion, then Bruno and Boots made him a joke on him by telling him that it was an alien and Francisco was actually an extraterrestrial, then Elmer was so scared about that and when he saw to Francisco he thought that he was a alien and he wanted to find his spacecraft because he wanted to get the Nobel prize, then Mr. Sturgeon tried to make Elmer understand that all the events wasn’t nothing to do with aliens, but Elmer didn’t wanted to hear Mr. Sturgeon and then Elmer darted out the door in search of the UFO and everlasting fame.

Chapter 11 Summary: Congratulations, boys

This chapter begins with Bruno and Boots studying for the exams because they think that if the get good grades in the exams, Mr. Sturgeon will reward them putting them back together again as roommates and they would be allowed to be friends again, and they are studying very hard in order to get the highest grades in all McDonald Hall. Elmer had to retreat to the school library because Bruno had a lot of textbooks, papers and charts all over both beds, both desks and a good portion of the floor. Notes on organic chemistry were taped to the bathroom walls so that no time would be wasted because the exams would begin very soon. In room 109 was George studying using a new mini-computer, he was sat in a sort of trance linked to the computer by a pair of earphones. The computer had been pre-programmed for his courses and was feeding him questions. George was typing his answers on the keyboard and numbers on the screen indicated his percentage in each course. All but one was first-class marks. George was extremely upset because he had only attained 78% in physics. He was, however, running a 98% in health. Boots had also went to the library because he was more determined than ever to get good marks, because his most wanted desire was the day he could remove himself from the domicile of George Wexford-Smyth III and get back with his best friend.

So the days passed and the boys discovered something very unusual about the exams, they said that the exams were very easy and after they were summoned by Mr. Sturgeon. When the boys went to the Mr. Sturgeon’s office, he was very happy about the results of the exams and he told to the boys that the got one of the highest grades in all the school, the boys were very exited about the news and they were expecting that Mr. Sturgeon let them get back together again as roommates as a reward for the good grades, but Mr. Sturgeon told them something different about that, he told to the boys that actually was a very good idea putting them with students like Elmer and George. Mr. Sturgeon thought that thanks to Elmer and George, Bruno and Boots got the very good grades in the exams and the only reward that they receive form Mr. Sturgeon was the restoration of their privileges, then Bruno and Boots went out from Mr. Sturgeon’s office with too much sadness and disappointment because the Bruno’s plan didn’t work, so Bruno told to Boots that they had to meet at the old canon at midnight in order to make another plan.

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

Chapter 10 Summary: Breakfast at Scrimmage's

The chapter 10 begins with Bruno and Boots working very early in the destroyed Miss Scrimmage’s garden, they were fixing all the ruined hedges and flower beds while Bruno was mumbling as he was pushing the wheelbarrow, but then Boots saw something near by the orchard slung between two apple trees, it was a makeshift banner that was read (welcome Bruno and Boots). Under the sign stood a small folding table covered by a bed-sheet tablecloth and set with Miss Scrimmage's best china, silver and crystal. A cardboard sign on the table said (Breakfast was served). Milk, orange juice, fresh rolls and butter, strawberries and cold cereal awaited the boys. Actually Diane and Cathy made the dishes for them and also Diane and Cathy soon appeared, leading a parade of girls in jeans and T-shirts and they said that they were from the Good Samaritan Committee and then they began to fix all the mess in the garden, two girls took down the banner and began to dismantle the table. The rest set to work with shovels and hoes on the garden and hedges. In an hour's time the hedge looked almost normal and the flower beds.

The boys were very fascinated for the girls’ work and they thanked to them and then the boys were attacked by the work crew. The girls smeared dirt all over their clothes and their faces, the boys were very confused about the girls’ action, so the girls explained to them that they had to look in that way in order to make Mr. Sturgeon believe that they were working hard on the garden and the girls told to the boys that Mr. Sturgeon had to see them, then a few minutes later the boys walked across the road and back to their own campus. On the way, they began to discuss their next move, they were talking about what to do in order to get back together again but they hadn’t any idea of what to do, then Bruno said that if all the plans didn’t success the only thing that they had to do was that they had to be good students and they had to have a good behavior and get good grades in the upcoming exams so that they would be rewarded by allowing them to get back again as roommates and partners.

Bruno and Boots went to Mr. Sturgeon’s office but they didn’t were there because he was in his house so Bruno and Boots walked across the campus to a small cottage with a white picket fence and climbing roses. Bruno rang the bell and the door was opened by Mrs. Sturgeon and the boys told to her about the tasks that they had to do by the Mr. Sturgeon orders and Mrs. Sturgeon felt pity of the boys and she invited them to have breakfast, then when Mr. Sturgeon came down for breakfast he found the boys established in his kitchen, eating his porridge, with Bruno seated in his favorite chair. Bruno and Boots explained to Mr. Sturgeon that they had finished all the tasks very fast because they wanted to have time to study for the upcoming exams and Mr. Sturgeon was very impressed about that, Bruno and Boots gulped down the rest of their oatmeal, thanked their hostess with touching gratitude and said goodbye. When the boys went to their rooms, Mrs. Sturgeon talked with Mr. Sturgeon about the boys’ punishments and she told him that he was very strict with the boys, so Mr. Sturgeon felt a little guilty about it and he said that maybe he was too much strict with the boys.

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2008

Chapter 9 Summary: Expelled ?

The chapter 9 begins with Elmer when he awakes very early as always and then he receives a message from Mr. Sturgeon then he feels very scared about it because he thought that was some kind of punishment, he thought that Mr. Sturgeon or someone else saw him with his telescope but seeing in the ladies’ dormitory instead of seeing the nebula crab then he finds a pair of silk panties under his pillow, Bruno was pretending surprise about it when that occurred and he said that Elmer was in serious troubles, then Bruno told Elmer that he was behind of the panty raid at Miss Scrimmage’s last night, but Elmer denied everything about the panty raid and screamed saying that he wasn’t responsible for that.

The messenger had continued to Dormitory 1 and Boots took the note from him and woke George then Boots gave him the note that was saying that George had to go to Mr. Sturgeon’s office but he thought that must be about my allowance from his Papa. When George reached the office the door was open; so he knocked, then as he entered the room, he was surprised to see Elmer Drimsdale seated meekly on the bench. George walked towards the visitor's chair, but Mr. Sturgeon motioned to him to sit beside Elmer. George was puzzled and Mr. Sturgeon opened his top desk drawer and pulled out all the Elmer and George’s stuff then he told them that maybe all the stuff belonged to them but obviously Elmer and George denied everything and Mr. Sturgeon believed them because he knew that Bruno and Boots were behind everything; Mr. Sturgeon had and idea and he told to Elmer and George to tell to Bruno and Boots that they were expelled from the school in order to test them in a some kind of experiment only for seeing what kind of person were Bruno and Boots.

Elmer and George told to Bruno and Boots that they were expelled form school because of the panty raid that occurred at Miss Scrimmage’s last night and then Bruno and Boots felt very guilty for Elmer and George’s expulsion and because of that they went to Mr. Sturgeon’s office to confess everything so that Elmer and George weren’t expelled because they didn’t had done nothing and Mr. Sturgeon told them that he in any moment thought in the idea of Elmer and George doing the panty raid and then Bruno and Boots realized that he knew it every thing, Mr. Sturgeon told them that he would to asked Elmer and George to tell them that they were expelled only to see what kind of reaction would had Bruno and Boots, and if they wouldn’t confess everything about the panty raid Mr. Sturgeon would expel Bruno and Boots instead of Elmer and George, but Bruno and Boots admitted everything about the panty raid so that Mr. Sturgeon didn’t expelled them form the school, he only punished them making them to fix all the Miss Scrimmage’s garden and all the mess that they provoked.

sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Chapter 8 Summary: Raid!

The chapter 8 is about the Boot’s plan to blame Elmer and George in a panty raid, Bruno and Boots were in their rooms waiting for Elmer and George to sleep, so Boots was talking with George about the dance at Miss Scrimmage Finishing School for ladies then they were discussing because Boots hadn’t the same ideas like George about the dance, then George got into bed and when he was sound asleep Boots was preparing all to begin the plan then fifteen minutes later the window opened and he went out along with a monogrammed money clip, a personalized teletype machine key and a gold pen and pencil set, all clearly the property of George Wexford-Smyth III.

Elmer had not gone to the dance either because he dislike girls and Bruno also was waiting Elmer until he went to sleep but actually Elmer didn’t want to sleep because he was observing the crab nebula with his telescope because also he was an astronomer, Elmer was very distracted observing the sky, stars and the universe so Bruno tiptoed through the room gathering up some of Elmer's more recognizable possessions, the skull of a rodent, a signed membership in the Toronto Horticultural Society and a corked test tube bearing a label (Drimsdale, Test 3-A, Sept. 15/80). Elmer was still raving about the crab nebula and was even starting to sketch it when Bruno opened the door and shut it silently then Bruno was knocking on the Perry Elbert’s door of the room 205 because he needed to get out through his window so he met with Boots at the old cannon then they went to Miss Scrimmage Finishing School for ladies to ask for help to Diane, Cathy and all the ladies. Bruno and Boots told to the girls if they could bring all their panties and make a mess in the rooms putting all the Elmer and George stuff inside of the rooms in order to blame them for the entire riot.

The plan was in action with Bruno and Boots running with the panties and the girls making a lot of noise and auctioning the fire alarm to make more chaos, and then Miss Scrimmage woke up waving a shoot gun and shooting it for accident to the sign that now was read: Miss Scrimmage's Fishing School for Young Ladies. After Bruno and Boots returned to McDonald Hall, Boots extracted a pair of pink panties from the pillowcase and stuffed them into the pocket of George's tan jacket. The rest of the panties he pushed under George's pillow. Then he climbed into bed and promptly fell asleep.